Colostrum for Cardiomyopathy (Humans/Canines)
Cardiomyopathy is a type of heart disease in which the heart is abnormally enlarged, thickened or stiffened. This usually weakens the heart’s ability to pump blood.
Both types, ischemic and non-ischemic, of cardiomyopathies that people as well as canines suffer from will experience benefits from the introduction of colostrum into the daily diet.
Not only does the colostrum have an impact on the regeneration of cells, especially those damaged over time. Colostrum helps by reintroducing into a system, which over time and exposure to different environmental factors, has become depleted. This depletion allows for a breakdown of the body and its ability to regenerate at the cellular level.
The components necessary for the body to be more receptive to regeneration are found within the substance known as “True” colostrum. What marketers are summarily releasing as colostrum has been scientifically shown to be transitional milk through the laboratories of Cornell University, Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratory and many more.
I always tell people don’t trust anyone, simply ask for 3rd party validation of what the science has found on that particular product; if they can’t or won’t provide 3rd party validation you are putting at risk your pocket book but more importantly your health!
Over the years, many people have approached me with their story; the following is a small piece of a documented personal experience of Arlan Reynolds, he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure following a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy. As the summary relates, the individual routinely supplemented his diet with high quality first milking colostrum.
“I was told that I had an enlarged heart – that there was a certain percentage of it that was actually ‘dead.’ I was given very little hope of ever having a normal life again,” recalls Arlan. When he discovered colostrum and began taking it, Arlan had no expectation for what might happen. He faithfully took 8-10 capsules/day and he continued with his regular nutritional program. As time went on, he noticed an increase in energy and stamina but he had no idea what was really happening until 12 months later when he went in for his annual physical exam. “My doctor took X-rays of my heart along with other routine tests,” says Arlan. “He compared the X-rays with the ones which had originally been taken. Then he sent me to a special facility to have his findings substantiated. After numerous other tests, including more X-rays, an EKG and an echo-cardiogram, the doctor told me that he didn’t understand what had taken place, but that all the tests indicated my heart had returned to normal size,” relates Arlan. My doctor said that in all his years of practice, he had never seen an enlarged heart return to normal size. Excerpted from an article in The Colostrum Option vol. 3, 2000, titled, “Doctors Can’t Explain His Recovery From Congestive Heart Failure.”
I have had the pleasure of Arlan’s company for many years now. Recently Arlan came to me and expressed his thanks because of the changes that he has had. “Without your Immune Tree colostrum Dr. K, I wouldn’t be here. Every chance I get, I tell people what your product has done for me and I have had other folks get on your product and experience the same benefits I did. I recommend it to everyone!”
The benefits realized here were most likely due to the small amounts of growth hormone and substantial amounts of insulin-like growth factor-1 present in high quality bovine colostrum. Growth hormone is extremely potent and, thus, only a small quantity is required. It directly influences the generation of new cells and the repair of existing tissues.
Scientific knowledge about the natural growth factors, what they do and how they act on cells in the body, and especially the heart, is evolving very rapidly and continues to grow.
As we age, the ability of our body to create an adequate supply of IGF-1 is diminished and subsequently limits the body in its ability to regenerate. If you look at the way our body is bombarded with different negative influences from environmental, food, air and water pollution, is it any wonder why our ability to produce youthful levels of the IGF-1 superfamily diminish.
How can you maintain youthful levels of the natural growth factors that can have a major impact on the regeneration of heart tissue not to mention the rest of our body?
By maintaining a constant supply of IGF-1 in our body from colostrum; in order to get the results we all are looking for, a true colostrum must be ingested, the quantity of IGF-1 found within colostrum should be approximately 2300-2400 ng/gram of powder. This is enough IGF-1 to have a major beneficial impact on those suffering from heart disease.
Even more importantly, as we age the cells in our body do not reproduce themselves as well; we may lose as much as 1/2 of the circulating IGF-1 by the time we are 40 and, since IGF-1 is a primary factor in the ability of cells to grow and reproduce, it is highly desirable to have an appropriate level of IGF-1 in the circulation through dietary supplementation to limit the ever increasing rate of cell death.