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Watch Out, Diabetes Can Cause Blurred Vision or Even Blindness

Here we are in the age of speed. We want everything fast. Our food (and that could be another problem), our work and searching on the internet. Now where am I going with an article about blurred vision? With diabetes reaching epidemic proportions, more and more people like you and me are losing part or all of our sight.

How will you be able to live in a faster world when eyesight is so important if your vision keeps decreasing?

Diabetes is the number one culprit for vision loss and blurred vision in the United States. The American Academy of Ophthalmology claims that if you are a diabetic you have a 25 times more chance of losing your site or getting at least blurred vision than someone without the disease. I repeat a 25 times more chance of losing your sight with diabetes. This is scary.

Initially blurred vision may come and go as your blood sugar levels improve or get worse. But over time higher blood sugar levels start to damage the blood vessels in the back of the eye in the retina. The longer you have diabetes the more apt you are to have diabetic retinopathy. Overwhelming high per cent age of diabetics, with poor control of their blood sugar levels develop negative changes in their eyesight within 15 years of the diabetes. You may think 15 years is a long time. But do you want to play around with your eyesight.

The two types of retinopathy are called Non-proliferative and Proliferative. With Proliferative being rarer and more severe. Non-proliferative or better known as retinopathy occurs when small retinal blood vessels break and leak. Seldom does it require any action to be taken unless it causes hazy central vision or straight lines looked curved.

Proliferative retinopathy the more serious of the two is an unusual growth of blood vessels inside the retina. Scarring or bleeding of these vessels can have grave consequences beyond blurred vision like partial vision loss or blindness. Early detection will help. If detected at the beginning laser surgery can stop the leaking but not reverse existing vision loss.

To start taking control of this potentially dangerous situation is to get control over your blood sugar levels. This is a must through diet exercise and herbal remedies. Step two is to see your eye doctor at least once per year. If anything new shows up your eye doctor can see for herself any changes that may tip off any problems that may show up later. Now you can take some effective action before you start to lose your eyesight.

If you or your family is affected by this rising tidal wave of diabetes: take action now to reduce your risk of vision loss. Don’t be a victim! I hope this article about blurred vision and vision loss will help you see for yourself what direction you need to take. I would hate to see anyone go blind that did not have to. With just a few simple procedures in place you can avoid any eyesight problems that could show up because of diabetes.

Source by Aron Wallad